Monday, December 21, 2015

Week of December 21st, 2015

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively. 

English 11: Students will be viewing, reading, responding, and discussing Arthur Miller's, The Crucible.  They will be responding and discussing the relevancy of the play.  The play deals with elements of false accusations, mass hysteria, and rumor-mongering.  Politics, morality, and society are themes which will be analyzed and discussed.  Students will be required to complete a study guide, using the textbook as a resource, which will be due on Wednesday, January, 6th, 2016.

Public Speaking: Students will complete Chapter 18 in their notes.  Speeches have been moved to the Week of January 4th.

YES:  Students will review the YAT Practice Test in preparation for the Wonderlic Personnel Test.  Problem-solving skills are necessary for success in the workforce.  The Wonderlic is a short form test of general cognitive ability which focuses on learning potential and provides insight into their performance on the job.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Week of December 14th, 2015

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively. 

English 11: Students will be responsible for reading, responding, and discussing an excerpt from Jonathon Edwards' Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.  They will be required to highlight to demonstrate reading comprehension for persuasion and to answer guided questions to demonstrate critical thinking skills.  Students will then be responsible for reading, responding, and discussing an information article on the Salem Witch Trials.  They will be required to identify fear, mob rule, power, individuality, and relevancy.  Knowledge of culture and time period are necessary for the comprehension and analysis of Arthur Miller's play, The Crucible.  The students will watch the play, respond to a study guide, use the text as a resource for analysis and discussion.

Public Speaking:  Students will perfect and present their Persuasive Speeches.  They will be required to utilize and demonstrate good rhetoric skills.  These skills include:  solid research, organization, a visual aid, practice, and a time boundary.

YES:  Students will demonstrate problem- solving skills  through response and discussion of the YAT Personnel Test.  

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Week of December 7th, 2015

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively. 

English 11:  Keystone Testing on Monday and Tuesday with more than 90% of the class out will be used as a time for discussion on the prompt and to catch up on any missed work.  Students will read and respond to an excerpt from "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God".  The literature is to help identify the culture and environment during the time period that The Crucible is set.  We will read, analyze and discuss themes, society, metaphor, and relevancy.  Students will be responsible for reading, highlighting, and responding to the literature both on the handout and in a class discussion.

Public Speaking:  Students will be responsible for preparation of the Persuasive/Argumentative Speech.  They will be required to have 5-7 sources on a citation page in MLA, an outline, a hard copy of their speech, a visual aid, and podium cards.

YES:  Students have been working on Modules for Budgeting.  They will begin review for the language section of the TABE Test.  Students are required to pass all sections of the TABE Test.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Week of November 30th, 2015

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively. 

No School on Monday, November 30th

English 11:  On Tuesday, Dec. 1st, students will attend a presentation by the Junior Jumpstart Program from PHEAA.  On Tuesday, they will read and respond to an informational article on the Puritans.  Students will be given the opportunity to take a Vocabulary Unit 3 Re-test on Thursday, December 4th.  On Friday, they will read and respond to an Excerpt "from Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" by Jonathon Edwards.  

Public Speaking:  Students will be working on the Persuasive/Argumentative Speech.  They will be required to have 5-7 sources, an outline, a hard copy, podium cards/binder, and  a visual aid.

YES:  Students have been working on the Budgeting Unit.  We will continue the discussion and activities about fiscal responsibility.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Week of Novermber 23, 2016

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively. 

English 11:  Students need to hand in completed projects by Wednesday, November 25th.  They have also been working on Vocabulary Unit 3.  Vocabulary Squares were due by November 20th.  The Review Exercises were due by November 23rd.  There is a Vocabulary Test on Tuesday, November 24th.

 Public Speaking:  Students will complete reading and responding to Chapters 16 and 17 of their textbook.  They will begin work on the Persuasive/Argumentative Speech.

YES:  Students have been identifying and applying elements in a budget.  Understanding Revenue, Assets, Liabilities and Expenses are necessary in business, both as an employer and as an employee. They will be able to understand and apply these elements in work and in life.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Week of November 16th, 2015

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively. 

English 11: Students will complete the Native American Myth Project.  The purpose of this project is for students to demonstrate knowledge of the elements of Native American Myth and relevancy through knowledge of human nature.  They are responsible for creating a children's book that teaches a moral or a myth that symbolizes human nature.  As they complete their projects, students will complete Vocabulary Unit 3 Squares with the dissection and analysis of the word by Friday, November 20th.  Review Sheets for Unit 3 will be completed by Monday, November 23rd.  There will be a Vocabulary Unit 3 Test on Tuesday, November 24th.

Public Speaking:  Students will demonstrate rhetoric skills through the presentations of the Informative Speech this week.  Chapters 16 and 17 Notes will be due by November 24th.

YES:  Students will begin work on budgeting.  They will also review and apply reading and math skills for the requirements of the TABE test.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Week of November 2nd, 2015

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively. 

English 11:  On Monday, students will be given time to complete the Vocabulary Test which focuses on communication/word choice and vocabulary/reading in context, skills necessary for success in life. Staring on Tuesday, students will be given the option of producing one of two projects.  They both assess applications of myth writing.  Students will be given the requirements, rubric, and examples needed to complete the project.  They will be working in pairs.  Students will be required to either produce a Children's Storybook or a Manifest Destiny Myth. Both projects have students identifying and applying the elements of Native American myths.

Public Speaking:  Students will continue to complete their Informational Speeches.  Chapter 15 notes will be due by November 4th. They will be responsible for researching and using sources, creating an outline and a works cited page, designing a visual aid, using a helper, and producing a hard copy of their speech.  Speeches will commence on November 10th.

YES:  Students will continue working on the Personal Development Section of this course in the Entrepreneurship and the Personal Finance/Compensation Unit.  Students will continue activities to help hone their math and problem solving skills necessary for success in the workforce.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Week of October 26th, 2015

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively. 

English 11:  Students will be working on Vocabulary Unit 2.  They will be responsible for defining, analyzing and dissecting, and applying vocabulary.  Vocab Squares are due by Tuesday, October 27th.  Review Sheets will be due by Wednesday, October 28th.  Vocabulary Unit 2 Test on Friday, October 30th.

Public Speaking:  Students will be working on the Informational Speech.  They will be responsible for researching and using sources, creating an outline and a works cited page, designing a visual aid, using a helper, and producing a hard copy of their speech.  Chapters 11, 13-14 due by Friday October 30th.

YES:  Students will be working on Math Concepts and Applications for the TABE test.  There will be a field trip to Solar Innovations on Wednesday, October 28th.  Students will continue working on the Personal Development Section of this course in the Personality Profiles/Career Path Exploration Unit.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Week of October 19th, 2015

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively. 

English 11: Due to the water main break and the ASVAB testing, the Manifest Destiny response will be due no later than Friday, October 23rd.  Students will begin Vocabulary Unit 2. Vocabulary Squares will be due on Tuesday, October 27th.

Public Speaking:  Due to the water main break, the critique is due no later than Friday, October 23rd.Students will continue work on the Informative Speech.  Speech topics are due on Friday. Chapters 10 and 12 will be due on October 27th.

YES:  Students have been working on constructing meaning and fluency in non-fiction.  They have worked on critical thinking and problem solving skills through a "Math Quiz".  Students will need to get Field Trip Permission Forms and Solar Innovations, Inc. Photo Release Forms for the trip on Wednesday, October 28th.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Week of October 12th, 2015

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively. 

English 11:  Students will be complete the responses to the article on Manifest Destiny.  They will be required to identify unknown vocabulary and apply vocabulary in context, summarize and make connections, and create a written response to the article using critical thinking skills.  Students will need to use the requirements and rubric handout in order to create a 3 paragraph  response.  They will need to write a rough draft, edit, and revise the essay.  The essay is due no later than Wednesday by the end of class.  CDT testing will take place on Thursday and Friday of this week.

Public Speaking: Students will read and respond to Chapter 8 due on Thursday, October 15th. Students will view, analyze, and critique JFK's Inaugural Address.  The critique will be due on Friday, October 16th.  Students will meet for one-to-one conferencing on the Introductory Speech. They will begin research on a speech topic for the Informative Speech.  Chapter 9 in the textbook will be due on October 20th.

YES:  Students will begin discussions and exercises on the unit of Emotional Intelligence for Personal Development.  Social Competency is necessary for success in the workplace.  They will also start review exercises for the Math portion of the TABE test.

Week of October 5th, 2015

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively. 

English 11:  Students will take Vocabulary Unit 1Test.  They will need to hand in their Vocabulary Squares and Review Sheets with their test.  Students will then read and respond to an informational article on Manifest Destiny.  They will be required to respond to the article in the form of notes and write an essay.  Students will be given the rubric for the necessary requirements of the essay.  The notes and essay will need to be handed in on Friday, October 9th.

Public Speaking:  Students will present their Introductory Speeches from October 5th-7th.  They will be responsible for peer critiquing.  There will  be one-to-one conferencing at the end of the week to review speech delivery and content.  Chapter 6 notes will be due on Friday, October 9th.

YES:  Students will complete the TABE testing.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Week of September 28th, 2015

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively. 

English 11:
 Students will complete the analysis of When Grizzlies Walk Upright.  They will apply the elements of literature to the myths.  Students have been given the first Vocabulary Unit.  They will be responsible for dissecting, analyzing, and applying vocabulary.  These are skills necessary for reading in context.  Vocabulary Squares will be due no later than Wednesday, September 30th.  Vocabulary Worksheets will be due by Friday, October 2nd.  The Vocabulary Unit 1 Test will be on October 5th.

Public Speaking:  Students will be creating outlines, rough drafts, and editing their speeches.  Speeches will commence on October 5th.

YES:  Students will be introduced to the TABE Test.  They will work on the test all week.  This test is necessary for the YES certification and in many instances, for employment.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Week of September 21st, 2015

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively. 

English 11:  Students will continue the unit on Native American Myths.  They will summarize and analyze the creation myth.  Students will need to discuss the importance of knowledge for use of interpretation.  They will be required to apply elements of Native American Myths after reading When Grizzlies Walked Upright.  Students will use their application skills to create a Children's Book or a Manifest Destiny Myth.

Public Speaking:  Students will identify elements necessary for good speech presentations.  They will apply these rhetoric skills to the Introductory Speech.  Students will be responsible for writing an outline, creating podium cards, and drafting a final speech.  They will need to practice the speeches many times before speeches commence on October 5th. Chapter 7 notes due on Wednesday, September 23rd.  Chapter 4 Notes due on Monday, September 28th.

YES:  Students will continue working on the section of Personal Development.  They will focus on topics which will fall under Appropriate Workplace Behavior.  The discussions and activities for this particular section will help them become better aware of their work environment and help them advocate for themselves and others when necessary.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Week of September 14th, 2015

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively. 

English 11:  Students have completed reading, analyzing, and responding to the informational article on Native American Myth.   On Tuesday, they will identify and discuss the elements of Native American Mythology through a PowerPoint.  The information found in the informational article, along with the daily response and discussion prompts, will also help with the comprehension of this unit.  We will begin with the story of creation found in the Literature Book.  We will then move onto the origin myth of the Native American.  By the end of the week, we will read the origin of man.  Students will be required to analyze and apply the elements of Native American Mythology through reading and discussion.

Public Speaking:  Students will continue to read and respond to the chapters in the textbook. Discussions analyzing components of public speaking will ensue.  Chapter 3 is due on Wednesday, September 16th.  Chapter 5 is due on Friday, September 18th.  Students are encouraged to watch current debate opportunities.  Identifying and constructively criticizing modern speakers is necessary for honing good critiquing skills.

YES:  Students will continue with the unit on Personal Development.  Discussion and activities include:  Change, Professional Impact, and Business Etiquette.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Week of September 7th, 2015

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively. 

English 11:  Students will complete the informational article on Native American Literature.  They will need to respond to the questions/words documented to the right of the article.  These notes/questions/words model how they should be reading.  Students will need to complete the article responses for Homework on Tuesday, Sept. 8th if they do not complete it in class.  We will review the responses in class on Wednesday, Sept. 9th.  Students will be required to read and respond to a variety of literature on a regular basis.  Analytical reading will improve their critical thinking skills. They will be introduced to the elements of the Native American Myth on Thursday.  Students will be responsible for listening and responding to the Lecture and Discussion on Native American Myths in the handout.  The informational literature and PowerPoint will help the students analyze "The Earth on the Turtle's Back" and "When Grizzlies Stood Upright."

Public Speaking:  Students will need to have the notes for Chapter 1 done by the end of the period on Tuesday, Sept. 10th.  They should be prepared to engage in a discussion on elements of Speech Communication.  Chapter 2 will be due on Sept. 14th. Hopefully, there has been a safe environment created, where students feel comfortable making mistakes and learning from them.

YES:  Students will be working on the unit of Personal Development.  They will identify characteristics of good employment skills.  Students will engage in and complete activities on time management, organization, and planning.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Week of August 31st, 2015

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively. 

Grade 11 English:  Students will review the Rules and Procedures of the Classroom on Monday, August 31st.  Please have students return the Student/Teacher/Parent/Guardian Contract.  They will be introduced to the requirements and expectations for reading, writing, and vocabulary.  Students will begin the unit on Native American Literature.  They will be required to read and respond to an informational article on Native American Literature.  Students will be able to identify elements of Native American Mythology.  They will need to apply their knowledge of Native American Mythology to the analysis of the creation myths selected from the literature textbook.

Public Speaking:  Students will review the Rules and Procedures of the Classroom on Monday, August 31st.  They will be introduced to the requirements and expectations for Public Speaking on Tuesday.  Chapter 1 Notes will be due on Friday, August 4th.

YES:  Students will review the Rules and Procedures of the Classroom on Monday, August 31st.  This course prepares students for the workforce.  Students will complete 120 hours of coursework which will help them achieve their future goals.  They will begin with the unit on Personal Development for Business Success.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Week of May 11th and May 18th, 2015

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively. 

Students should have continued the Annotated Bibliography and the novel Reading Assignments during the past 2 weeks. Due dates have been extended for them because of the extenuating circumstances.  

Academic English 9:  Students should be reading, analyzing, and responding to Reading Assignments 4 and 5 for Great Expectations which will be due on Thursday, May 14th.  There will be a quiz for these 2 assignments. Students have been working on the Annotated Bibliography which is due on Friday, May 15th.   The last reading assignment for Great Expectations is due on Monday, May 18th.  Shakespeare is meant to be viewed, therefore, students will watch, analyze, and respond to Romeo and Juliet the week of May 18th.  They will  be required to identify elements of a dramatic tragedy, analyze literature, and apply literary devices.  Students will be given Vocabulary for Start, Stop.  The word dissection, definition, and usage will be due on Friday, May 22nd.  The Vocabulary Review Sheet will be due on Monday, May 25th.   

Practical  English 11:  Students will continue to work on the process of producing a Research Paper. Outlines, Works Cited Pages, Rough Drafts, and Final Copies will be required.   The Final Copy must be completed by the 25th.

Public Speaking:  Students will finalize and practice their Persuasive Speeches.  They will be required to present their speeches beginning the week of  the 18th.  APA format is required.  A Powerpoint is mandatory.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Week of April 20th, 2015

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively.

Academic English 9:   There will  be a study guide and notebook rubric grade given for the reading assignment on Monday 4/20.  Through discussion, students will respond, analyze, and connect to the novel. Students will use the laptops to create an Annotated Bibliography. They will be identify elements of an Annotated Bibliography.  Students will be required to complete an annotated bibliography for 4 sources (website, newspaper, journal, magazine) on Victorian England, Charles Dickens, the Industrial Revolution, and England from 1836-1870.  One annotation a week will be due over the next 4 weeks.  They have the opportunity to prioritize class time to read and respond to the novel, or read and respond to the informational articles for the annotated bibliography.  Reading Assignment 2 (quiz, study guide and notes)will be due on 4/20.

Practical English 11:  Students are working on the Research Paper.  Due dates have been discussed and agreed upon.  We have identified the 2 major types of research papers.  They are responsible for picking the type of paper they wish to write.  Individual topics have been picked.  Students will research their topic. They will need to find valid, reliable sources.  Students will need to use the database. They need to fulfill the requirement of 4 citations and notes due on April 20th and the second set on April 24th.  Definitions, dissection, and sentences for Vocabulary Unit 4 will be due by Tuesday, April 21st.

Public Speaking:  One-to-one conferencing will begin on Tuesday, April 21st.  Students will begin reading, responding, and discussing Persuasive speech writing found in the text.  Chapter 17 notes will be due on Wednesday, April 22nd.  MLK Critique due by Monday, April 27th.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Week of April 13th, 2015

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively. 

Academic English 9:  Students will review the Sentence Structure Test.  They will take a quiz on  Reading Assignment 1 for Great Expectations on Monday, 4/13. There will  be a study guide and notebook rubric grade given for the reading assignment.  Through discussion, students will respond, analyze, and connect to the novel. Students will use the laptops to create an Annotated Bibliography. They will be identify elements of an Annotated Bibliography.  Students will be required to complete an annotated bibliography for 4 sources (website, newspaper, journal, magazine) on Victorian England, Charles Dickens, the Industrial Revolution, and England from 1836-1870.  One annotation a week will be due over the next 4 weeks.  They have the opportunity to prioritize class time to read and respond to the novel, or read and respond to the informational articles for the annotated bibliography.  Reading Assignment 2 (quiz, study guide and notes)will be due on 4/20.

Practical English 11:  Students are working on the Research Paper.  Due dates have been discussed and agreed upon.  We have identified the 2 major types of research papers.  They are responsible for picking the type of paper they wish to write.  Individual topics have been picked.  Students will research their topic. They will need to find valid, reliable sources.  Students will need to use the database. They need to fulfill the requirement of 4 citations and notes.  Vocabulary Unit 4 list will be distributed on Thursday.  Definitions, dissection, and sentences will be due by Tuesday, April 21st.

Public Speaking:  Speeches will be completed on Tuesday, April 14th.  One-to-one conferencing will begin on Wednesday, April 15th.  Students will begin reading, responding, and discussing Persuasive speech writing found in the text.  Chapter 16 will be due on Friday, April 17th.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Week of April 6th, 2015

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively. 

Academic English 9:  Students will take the Vocabulary Unit 6 and Sentence Structure Test on Monday, April 6th.  They will be expected to define, analyze, and apply vocabulary.  Students will need to identify subject/verb, phrases and clauses. Great Expectations will be distributed.  The first reading assignment, Chapters 1-8 will be due on April 13th.  Students will read, analyze, and respond to an informational article on The Industrial Revolution.  They will be identify elements of an Annotated Bibliography.  Students will be required to complete an annotated bibliography for 4 sources (website, newspaper, journal, magazine) on Victorian England, Charles Dickens, the Industrial Revolution, and England from 1836-170.  This information will be helpful while reading Great Expectations.

Practical English 11:  Students will begin the Research Paper.  They will review and discuss the 4 Types of Writing and Types of Writing Organization.  Students will be introduced to the requirements of the research paper. They are responsible for the Research Packet.  They will be given an assignment due date sheet.  Students will identify and apply the elements of  MLA citation.

Public Speaking:  Speech Presentations Commence this week

Monday, March 30, 2015

Week of March 30th, 2015

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively. 

Academic English 9: Students will complete presentations.  They will work on Vocabulary Unit 6.  Students will define, dissect, analyze, and apply vocabulary.  Definitions, dissection and sentences will be due by Tuesday, March 31st.  Review sheets will be completed for Wednesday, April 1st.  Students will identify main subject and verb, phrases and clauses on the Review Sheet which will be worth 45 points.  Vocabulary Unit 6 Test will be on Thursday, April 1st.

***Note:  The Vocabulary and Sentence Structure Test has been moved to Monday April 6th

Practical English 11:  Students will continue work on Vocabulary Unit 3.  Vocabulary Squares (100 points) will be due by Tuesday, March 31st.  Completing the Sentences (40 points) and Choosing the Right Word (20 points) worksheet will be due on Wednesday, April 1st.  Vocabulary Unit 3 Test will be on Thursday, April 2nd.

Public Speaking:  Students have asked for speeches to be moved to next week.  They will continue to outline, write, refine, and practice their speeches for the week of April 6th.  Integration of a PowerPoint is a mandatory requirement for the Informative Speech.  Outlines will be due no later than Tuesday, March 31st.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Week of March 23rd, 2015

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively. 

Academic English 9:  Students will complete the Movie Trailer Projects on Monday, March 23rd. Collaboration Rubrics will be collected on Monday, March 23rd.  Group Presentations will commence on Tuesday, March 24th.  Oral Presentation Rubrics, Short Story Rubrics, and Cell Sheets will be collected on the day of Presentations.  Students will be introduced to the novel, Great Expectations by Charles Dickens on Monday, March 30th.  They will read and respond to an informational article on the British Industrial Revolution. Students will be given a study guide for the novel on Thursday, April 2nd.  Reading Assignment Due Dates will be assigned.  Vocabulary Unit 6 words will be distributed on Wednesday, March 25th.  Definitions, Analysis, and Sentences will be due on Tuesday, March 31st.  Review sheets for Vocabulary Unit 6 will be due on Wednesday, April 1st.  Vocabulary Unit 6 Test on Thursday, April 2nd.

Practical English 11:  Students will review the informational articles.  Identifying and applying relevancy will demonstrate critical thinking skills.  Differentiation of Perspective/Point of View and Bias is necessary when writing informational/expository work.  Students will learn journalistic writing.  They will be expected to identify the informational and persuasive types of writing found in a newspaper.  Students will be given the choice of creating an editorial, a political cartoon, or an advertisement for a newspaper written during The Salem Witch Trials or McCarthyism.  

Public Speaking:  Students will continue to research, organize, and write the informative speech. They will need 4 valid resources, create an APA page for sources, use a controlling material method to be used during the speech, and utilize a visual aid.  Speeches will commence on Monday, March 30th.  Students have been assigned speech dates.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Week of March 16th, 2015

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively. 

Academic English 9:  Students will work cooperatively to fulfill the requirements of the Movie Trailer Project.  They will need to include Elements of the Short Story (Mood, Characterization, Plot, and Theme with Point of View being optional), at least 1 Propaganda Technique, and the Structural Elements of the Movie Trailer for a modernized version of a classic short story in a persuasive form.  Students will present their ideas in a group presentation.  They have been given instructions, requirements, and rubrics.

Practical English 11:  Students will be responding to Informational Articles.  Identifying the How and Why questions of informative literature is necessary for critical thinking. Students will then be required to make connections found in the three articles, comprehend the relevancy for today's audience, and respond critically.  They will identify and use an organizational structure of writing for the expository essay.

Public Speaking:  Students will be working on selecting a topic for the Informative Speech.  They will use laptops to start the research for finding valid and reliable sources.  Chapter 8 will be due on Monday, the 16th.  Chapter 9 will be due on the 18th. Chapter 10 will be due on the 20th.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Week of March 9th, 2015

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively. 

Academic English 9: Students will be working on the Movie Trailer Project.  They will be required to create ideas for each short story.  After individual ideas have been completed, students will work in groups to create a PowerPoint Presentation on a finalized movie trailer.  They will be creating an idea for a movie trailer using one of the short stories they have read.  Students will be required to produce a modernized version of the short story for today's audience.  They will need to use Propaganda Techniques, Movie Trailer Structures, and Media Terms. Students will be present their Projects next week beginning Monday, March 16th.

Practical English 11: Students will finalize their copies of the Letter of Reconsideration.  The writing of letters helps students identify purpose, audience, organize information, understand the importance of word choice, and utilize grammar skills.  Students will complete Vocabulary Squares for Unit 2.  Completing the Sentence due by Wednesday, 3/11.  Choosing the Right Word due by Thursday 3/12.  Review of Vocabulary Unit 2 on Thursday.  Vocabulary Unit 2 Test on Friday, 3/13  

Public Speaking: Introductory Speech Presentations this week.  One-to-one conferencing for identifying strengths and weaknesses.  They will begin to read and identify elements of the Informative Speech. Chapter 6 due on 3/12.  Chapter 8 due on 3/16.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Week of February 23rd, 2015

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively. 

Academic English 9:  Students will be required to read, analyze, and discuss the short story.  They are expected to be prepared for discussion and analysis on the following stories in their Lit Book:
"The Gift of the Magi" Tuesday 2/24
"The Invalid's Story" Wednesday 2/25
On Thursday, they will be given a test which they will be able to finish at home.  The "Take Home Test" will be due on Friday, 2/27

Practical English 11: Students are working on The Letter of Reconsideration.  The writing of letters helps students identify purpose, audience, organize information, understand the importance of word choice, and utilize grammar skills. The Letter of Reconsideration will be due by Friday, 2/27. Students will begin work on Vocabulary Unit 2.

Public Speaking:  Students will take notes on Chapters 4 and 7.  They will be working on the Introductory Speech.  An Outline is required and due by 2/26.  Podium Cards should be ready no later than 2/27.  Students will familiarize themselves with the environment on Friday.  They may rehearse on 2/27.  Speeches will commence on Monday, 3/2 in alphabetical order.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Weeks of February 9th and February 16th

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively. 

Academic English 9: Students have been introduced to the elements of the Short Story.  They have been reading, analyzing, and discussing the time period for the short story by Richard Connell from an informational article.  They will read, analyze, and discuss "The Most Dangerous Game".  The informational article will help them make connections to the literature and help them make connections to today's society.  There will be a quiz on the elements of the short story on 2/19.  The students will then read, analyze and discuss "The Cask of Amontillado"and "The Necklace"  They will read "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" and then view the movie trailer for the modern day production.  The students will then be asked to bring the classic stories into the 21st century.They will create ideas for Movie Trailers and present their ideas to the class. The students have also been working on identifying, analyzing, and applying vocabulary on the Unit 5 Test.  They have been given the opportunity to identify mistakes, to demonstrate knowledge of word choice and word placement, and to make corrections.  Students who need extra time will meet with me after school.  Learning is a process that takes time and facilitation.  Thank you for your patience!

Practical English 11:  Students will be working on Vocabulary Unit 1.  They will learn to use resources, analyze words, and apply words.  Students will become familiar with the content and context of word choice.  There will be a Unit 1 Test on 2/12.  They will begin work on a relevant writing assignment, The Letter of Complaint.  Students will learn correct form, grammar usage, and content when writing this specific letter.  The final copy will need to be completed by Wednesday, 2/17.  The students will then begin work on The Letter of Reconsideration which will be due on Tuesday, 2/24.

Public Speaking: Students have been reading and discussing the Introductory Chapters of their text.  Chapter 5 Notes will be due on 2/17.  They will view, analyze, and respond to JFK's Inaugural Address.  They will be required to write a written critique of the speech.  The critique will be due by Friday, 2/20.  Chapter 7 Notes will be due on 2/20.  Next week will be preparation for their first presentation, the Introductory Speech.  Speech Presentations will commence on 3/2.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Week of February 2nd, 2015

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively. 
Academic English 9:  Reminder that the Extra Credit Assignment will be collected on February 6th at the beginning of the period.  Students have been working on identifying and applying Vocabulary.  They have been required to identify and apply the rules for subject/verb, phrases, and clauses.  Students will be introduced to the elements of the Short Story.  They will be required to identify and apply the elements and literary devices through discussion and analysis.

Practical English 11: Students will be working on dissecting and analyzing vocabulary.  The goal is to make students aware of word choice and communication.  Learned vocabulary is to be used in order to communicate effectively.  Through dissection and analysis, the students learn grammar, word parts and origins, and vocabulary in context.  Being able to use a resource to its fullest capacity is also a skill that is necessary in life.  Definitions, word analysis, sentences and worksheet will be due on Wednesday, February 4th.  There will be a review on Wednesday and a Test on Thursday, February 5th.

Public Speaking: Students will be required to read, comprehend and take notes on the text, preparing them for the requirements of Public Speaking, which include the utilization of research skills that they will need for the semester.  Through discussion, students will identify and apply the knowledge  skills, and techniques necessary for Public Speaking.

Reading Assignment 1:  Chapter 1 due on 1/28
Reading Assignment 2:  Chapter 2 due on 2/2
Reading Assignment 3:  Chapter 3 due on 2/9

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Week of January 26th, 2015

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively.    

Academic English 9: Students will be working on dissecting and analyzing vocabulary.  The goal is to make students aware of word choice and communication.  Learned vocabulary is to be used in order to communicate effectively.  Through dissection and analysis, the students learn grammar, word parts and origins, and vocabulary in context.  There will be a Vocabulary Unit 5 Test on Thursday, January 29th.  Students were given the opportunity to complete an extra credit assignment for the 2nd Marking Period last week.  The extra credit assignment will not be accepted past the beginning of class on February 6th, giving them 2 weeks for completion. If they have taken advantage of the extra credit assignment, then they have the requirements for the assignment.

Practical English  11: Students will be working on dissecting and analyzing vocabulary.  The goal is to make students aware of word choice and communication.  Learned vocabulary is to be used in order to communicate effectively.  Through dissection and analysis, the students learn grammar, word parts and origins, and vocabulary in context.  Being able to use a resource to its fullest capacity is also a skill that is necessary in life.  Definitions, word analysis, and sentences will be due on Friday, January 30th.  The students will then receive a worksheet on vocabulary in context to be completed by Monday, February 2nd.

Public Speaking:   In the beginning, students will be required to read, comprehend and take notes on the text, preparing them for the requirements of Public Speaking, which include the utilization of research skills that they will need for the semester.

Reading Assignment 1:  Chapter 1 due on 1/28
Reading Assignment 2:  Chapter 2 due on 2/2
Reading Assignment 3:  Chapter 3 due on 2/9