Monday, December 21, 2015

Week of December 21st, 2015

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively. 

English 11: Students will be viewing, reading, responding, and discussing Arthur Miller's, The Crucible.  They will be responding and discussing the relevancy of the play.  The play deals with elements of false accusations, mass hysteria, and rumor-mongering.  Politics, morality, and society are themes which will be analyzed and discussed.  Students will be required to complete a study guide, using the textbook as a resource, which will be due on Wednesday, January, 6th, 2016.

Public Speaking: Students will complete Chapter 18 in their notes.  Speeches have been moved to the Week of January 4th.

YES:  Students will review the YAT Practice Test in preparation for the Wonderlic Personnel Test.  Problem-solving skills are necessary for success in the workforce.  The Wonderlic is a short form test of general cognitive ability which focuses on learning potential and provides insight into their performance on the job.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Week of December 14th, 2015

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively. 

English 11: Students will be responsible for reading, responding, and discussing an excerpt from Jonathon Edwards' Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.  They will be required to highlight to demonstrate reading comprehension for persuasion and to answer guided questions to demonstrate critical thinking skills.  Students will then be responsible for reading, responding, and discussing an information article on the Salem Witch Trials.  They will be required to identify fear, mob rule, power, individuality, and relevancy.  Knowledge of culture and time period are necessary for the comprehension and analysis of Arthur Miller's play, The Crucible.  The students will watch the play, respond to a study guide, use the text as a resource for analysis and discussion.

Public Speaking:  Students will perfect and present their Persuasive Speeches.  They will be required to utilize and demonstrate good rhetoric skills.  These skills include:  solid research, organization, a visual aid, practice, and a time boundary.

YES:  Students will demonstrate problem- solving skills  through response and discussion of the YAT Personnel Test.  

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Week of December 7th, 2015

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively. 

English 11:  Keystone Testing on Monday and Tuesday with more than 90% of the class out will be used as a time for discussion on the prompt and to catch up on any missed work.  Students will read and respond to an excerpt from "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God".  The literature is to help identify the culture and environment during the time period that The Crucible is set.  We will read, analyze and discuss themes, society, metaphor, and relevancy.  Students will be responsible for reading, highlighting, and responding to the literature both on the handout and in a class discussion.

Public Speaking:  Students will be responsible for preparation of the Persuasive/Argumentative Speech.  They will be required to have 5-7 sources on a citation page in MLA, an outline, a hard copy of their speech, a visual aid, and podium cards.

YES:  Students have been working on Modules for Budgeting.  They will begin review for the language section of the TABE Test.  Students are required to pass all sections of the TABE Test.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Week of November 30th, 2015

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively. 

No School on Monday, November 30th

English 11:  On Tuesday, Dec. 1st, students will attend a presentation by the Junior Jumpstart Program from PHEAA.  On Tuesday, they will read and respond to an informational article on the Puritans.  Students will be given the opportunity to take a Vocabulary Unit 3 Re-test on Thursday, December 4th.  On Friday, they will read and respond to an Excerpt "from Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" by Jonathon Edwards.  

Public Speaking:  Students will be working on the Persuasive/Argumentative Speech.  They will be required to have 5-7 sources, an outline, a hard copy, podium cards/binder, and  a visual aid.

YES:  Students have been working on the Budgeting Unit.  We will continue the discussion and activities about fiscal responsibility.