"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats
English 11: Students will complete the Native American Myth Project. The purpose of this project is for students to demonstrate knowledge of the elements of Native American Myth and relevancy through knowledge of human nature. They are responsible for creating a children's book that teaches a moral or a myth that symbolizes human nature. As they complete their projects, students will complete Vocabulary Unit 3 Squares with the dissection and analysis of the word by Friday, November 20th. Review Sheets for Unit 3 will be completed by Monday, November 23rd. There will be a Vocabulary Unit 3 Test on Tuesday, November 24th.
Public Speaking: Students will demonstrate rhetoric skills through the presentations of the Informative Speech this week. Chapters 16 and 17 Notes will be due by November 24th.
YES: Students will begin work on budgeting. They will also review and apply reading and math skills for the requirements of the TABE test.