Sunday, March 17, 2013

Week of March 18th, 2013

 The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively.

9th Grade English:  Students will complete Vocabulary Unit 8.  They will be required to understand the meaning in context.  They will also need to dissect sentences, identifying subject and verb, as well as phrases and clauses.  The Vocabulary test will be on Wednesday, March 20th.  We will begin the novel, Great Expectations, on Thursday, March 21st.  They will be required to read, comprehend, and apply literary elements and devices.  They will be reading for meaning.

9th Grade Academic English: Students will review the meanings and application of the words for Vocabulary Unit 8.  They will be required to analyze sentence structure by identifying phrases and subordinate clauses.  They will differentiate between interpretation and inference through the discussion of the novel.  The discussion will focus on the author's purpose and meaning through the use of literary devices (characterization, symbols, allusion, foreshadowing, figurative language).

11th Grade Practical: Students will begin the process of research.  They will differentiate between analytical and argumentative papers.  Students will be required to pick a specific topic, locate valid sources, and create a thesis.  There will be a vocabulary review on Thursday, March 21 in preparation for the test on Friday, March 22nd.
12th Grade Practical:  Students will continue work on their research paper.  The  note taking, citations, and tentative outline are due no later than Monday, March 18th.  Final outlines will be due by Wednesday, March 20th.  There will be a Vocabulary test on Unit 2B on Friday, March 22nd.

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