Sunday, September 16, 2012

Week of September 17, 2012

9th Grade English and 9Grade Academic English:  Students have been learning the origin of words and how the affixes affect meaning and function of vocabulary.  Their expansion of knowledge on word analysis will help them to master and utilize the vocabulary they are required to learn.  Their assessment begins with a formal test on Unit 1 on Thursday, 9/20 but their application and mastery of vocabulary will continue with each new unit and when they apply it to their critical reading skills in literature throughout the year.  Students will continue to read, take notes and complete the study guide for Night.  They will be required to apply critical reading skills with a focus on characterization, theme, symbols, foreshadowing, allusion, and irony.   

Vocabulary Review Exercise due on 9/18
Vocabulary Unit Test 1 on 9/20
Night Reading Assignment 2 due on 9/21

Public Speaking: Final preparations and practice will occur on Monday with Speech Presentations  commencing  on Tuesday.  Attendance is mandatory for each assigned speech date.  Each student will be videotaped for individual viewing and teacher conferencing.  Students should be prepared to receive praise and constructive criticism by peers and the teacher when reviewing their evaluations.  Good Luck to all of my students!  Your diligence and courage have not gone unnoticed!

Introductory Speech Presentations begin on 9/18 and end on 9/21