Monday, September 10, 2012

Week of September 10, 2012

9th Grade English and 9th Grade Academic:   Students are learning how vocabulary works through the recognition and meaning of affixes and root words.  Their knowledge will enable them to decipher words and help them to read in context.  The goal of vocabulary is to promote improvement in their critical reading skills and in their writing for continued success in life.  They will be reviewing affixes and root words through a game to further enhance understanding and to prepare them for the first formal vocabulary unit.

Affixes and Root Word Quiz on 9/13
Vocabulary Unit Test 1 on 9/17

Students have received their first reading assignment for Night.  They will be required to read, take notes, apply literary elements and devices, and complete the study guide.  The goal of assigning reading requires critical reading skills, note taking, responsibility, and organization, all necessary for success in academics and in life.  Students should be prepared to participate in discussion which includes listening for and responding to relevant information.

All ClassesNight Reading Assignment 1 due on Friday 9/14

Public Speaking:  Students have learned the importance of integrity, audience, topic, and purpose through the reading of the text and discussion.  They will be responsible for completing outlines, podium cards, conferencing, and practice, all in preparation for their Introductory Speech to be delivered next week.  The goal is to prepare students for speaking well in public which is a necessary skill for success in and out of the classroom.

Chapter 5 Notes due 9/11
Topics due by 9/12
Outlines due by 9/13
Podium Cards due by 9/14
Practices begin on 9/13 and 9/14
Speeches commence on 9/17