Sunday, September 30, 2012

Week of October 1, 2012

9th Grade English and 9th Grade Academic: Students will be researching the Holocaust, literary works, movies, and authors associated with the Holocaust.  Students will be using the information to apply it to the Newspaper Project.  They will be required to learn how to write a newspaper article, advertising techniques and work in groups.  Students will need to apply knowledge of the novel and the movie to the project.  They will also be working on Vocabulary Unit 2.  Students will be responsible for dissecting, defining and applying vocabulary to truly learn and use the words.

Public Speaking:  Students will be researching valid, reliable sources to use in the application of Panel Discussion and the Symposium.  They will be required to use correct MLA citation format for their sources. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Week of September 24, 2012

9th Grade English and 9th Grade Academic:  The students' first introduction to the first vocabulary unit was a daunting one.  Applying the vocabulary and reading in context was necessary for their success on the test.  In order to truly learn the vocabulary and keep motivation high, a retest will be given on Monday.  Students need to recognize the difference between memorizing vocabulary and learning vocabulary.  Critical reading will be applied through literary analysis.  Students will be responsible for responding to literary mediums through literary paragraphs which on Wednesday and Thursday.  The third and last reading assignment of Night will be due on Friday, 9/28.

Public Speaking:  Thanks to my students for their great Introductory Speeches!
Students will continue to work on learning techniques to utilize in speeches.  They will be utilizing the text and what they learn from individual conferences.  During the next three weeks, the students will be responsible for chapters 6, 8, 9, and 10-15.  They will begin research on the Informational speech using IPads and Laptops.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Week of September 17, 2012

9th Grade English and 9Grade Academic English:  Students have been learning the origin of words and how the affixes affect meaning and function of vocabulary.  Their expansion of knowledge on word analysis will help them to master and utilize the vocabulary they are required to learn.  Their assessment begins with a formal test on Unit 1 on Thursday, 9/20 but their application and mastery of vocabulary will continue with each new unit and when they apply it to their critical reading skills in literature throughout the year.  Students will continue to read, take notes and complete the study guide for Night.  They will be required to apply critical reading skills with a focus on characterization, theme, symbols, foreshadowing, allusion, and irony.   

Vocabulary Review Exercise due on 9/18
Vocabulary Unit Test 1 on 9/20
Night Reading Assignment 2 due on 9/21

Public Speaking: Final preparations and practice will occur on Monday with Speech Presentations  commencing  on Tuesday.  Attendance is mandatory for each assigned speech date.  Each student will be videotaped for individual viewing and teacher conferencing.  Students should be prepared to receive praise and constructive criticism by peers and the teacher when reviewing their evaluations.  Good Luck to all of my students!  Your diligence and courage have not gone unnoticed!

Introductory Speech Presentations begin on 9/18 and end on 9/21

Monday, September 10, 2012

Week of September 10, 2012

9th Grade English and 9th Grade Academic:   Students are learning how vocabulary works through the recognition and meaning of affixes and root words.  Their knowledge will enable them to decipher words and help them to read in context.  The goal of vocabulary is to promote improvement in their critical reading skills and in their writing for continued success in life.  They will be reviewing affixes and root words through a game to further enhance understanding and to prepare them for the first formal vocabulary unit.

Affixes and Root Word Quiz on 9/13
Vocabulary Unit Test 1 on 9/17

Students have received their first reading assignment for Night.  They will be required to read, take notes, apply literary elements and devices, and complete the study guide.  The goal of assigning reading requires critical reading skills, note taking, responsibility, and organization, all necessary for success in academics and in life.  Students should be prepared to participate in discussion which includes listening for and responding to relevant information.

All ClassesNight Reading Assignment 1 due on Friday 9/14

Public Speaking:  Students have learned the importance of integrity, audience, topic, and purpose through the reading of the text and discussion.  They will be responsible for completing outlines, podium cards, conferencing, and practice, all in preparation for their Introductory Speech to be delivered next week.  The goal is to prepare students for speaking well in public which is a necessary skill for success in and out of the classroom.

Chapter 5 Notes due 9/11
Topics due by 9/12
Outlines due by 9/13
Podium Cards due by 9/14
Practices begin on 9/13 and 9/14
Speeches commence on 9/17

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Week of September 3, 2012

9th Grade English and 9th Academic English: Students have been viewing, discussing, and taking notes on The Boy in the Striped Pajamas.  The students have identified, defined, and applied literary elements and devices.  They are learning and applying elements of the Cornell Note Taking Method.  The goal is for them to be able to analyze any literary medium by applying the critical thinking skills they have learned through the analysis of the movie. Their work will continue with the creation of a newspaper which will be used as their formal assessment.

Complete and Review notes for The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
9th Grade English:  Night Reading Assignment 1 due on Friday, 9/14
9th Academic English:  Night Reading Assignment 1 due on Tuesday, 9/11

Students will begin work on Root Words and Affixes to prepare them for true learning of vocabulary.  They will be required to identify, define, and apply their knowledge by completing activities which will culminate in a game.  The first formal vocabulary unit will be assigned next week. They will be required to identify all affixes and root words before locating the definitions.  After defining the vocabulary and identifying how it can be used, students will then need to use the word in context. The goal is for students to become better readers by learning the skills necessary for discovering the meaning of words through breaking them down and/or in context.

Public Speaking:  Students are learning how to reach their audience as a speaker.  They have been reading and discussing correct methods to use when giving a speech.  They have also learned that good public speaking skills include actively listening to one's audience.  They will be required to analyze and evaluate one of the greatest speeches of all time by Martin Luther King Jr.  The goal is for students to use what they have learned in their first introductory speech.

Notes: pp. 13-end of chapter and pp. 49-61 due by the end of period on 9/5
Critique due on Friday, 9/7