Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Week of October 21st. 2013

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively.

Academic English 9:  There were great discussions on evaluating and critiquing work this past week.  Students have given and received constructive criticism which has helped them identify the need for purpose/focus of their work.  Organization was deemed necessary for effective communication.  Simple grammatical errors should have been picked up through their own proofreading.  Creation is a process...which takes work!  There will be an essay test on Night.  The essay will need to identify and use the literary elements and devices discussed.  The relevancy of the novel in the 21st century will need to be supported.  Vocabulary Unit 4 will be assigned.  Reading in context through the identification of subject/verb agreement and the identification of prepositional phrases will be required.  There will be a Vocabulary Test on Tuesday, November 29th.

Practical English 10:  Finalizing the documentaries is required for presentation on Thursday and Friday of this week.

English 11:  Students will read and analyze "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" in order to set the stage for The Crucible.  The  use of fear and intimidation (abuse of power) has been used throughout history and is relevant today.  What legacy will our students leave the next generation?  Vocabulary Unit 5 Sentences due on Friday 10/25.

Public Speaking: Students will continue work on the Informative Speech.  They will be required to identify purpose, complete an outline, utilize their sources, produce a works cited page, write a rough draft,  create a visual aid, and write podium cards.  Speeches will commence on 10/28.  All due dates for the process of speech writing have been given to the students.