Monday, January 28, 2013

Week of January 28, 2013

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively.

9th Grade English & 9th Grade Academic: Students will be reading and analyzing the Short Story. They will be responsible for applying the elements of the short story and identifying the author's use of literary devices.  At the conclusion of the story, students will be required to identify and support the author's message and its relevancy today.  The students will also be working on Vocabulary.  The vocabulary unit incorporates knowledge of the word from its origin to its definition and application.  The creation of sentences demonstrates knowledge and effective communication.  The review through sentence completion applies reading in context.  The application incorporates knowledge and utilization of grammar through sentence dissection. The students will also be required to respond to a writing prompt, demonstrating analysis of the relevancy of the literature, grammar usage, and vocabulary application.  There willbe a vocabulary test on Monday, February 4th.

11th Grade Practical:  The students will be working on Vocabulary which will also be incorporated in their writing.  Students will be required to respond to a writing prompt on "McCarthyism" as a parallel to The Crucible.  They will be responsible for applying critical thinking skills to support their answer to the writing prompt.  They will  also need to include a strong thesis, demonstrate correct subject/verb agreement, and incorporate vocabulary.  There will be a Vocabulary Test on Friday, February 1st.

12th Grade Practical:  Strong paragraph structure will be the focus so that we can work towards the creation of the essay.  The students will be responding to writing prompts on Anglo-Saxon poetry, Beowulf, and the Archetypal Hero, all subjects that are being taught in their Literature class.  The students will be required to have strong paragraph structure, use active voice and correct subject/verb agreement, support their thesis, and apply vocabulary from 1A. A quiz on Vocabulary 1A will be on Friday, February 1st.