Sunday, October 14, 2012

Week of October 15, 2012

9th Grade English and 9th Grade Academic: Students will learn to accurately cite their sources.  They will be able to identify the need for responsible news reporting and the power of the media.  They will be able to discern the differences between bias and perspective.  Students will be able to apply tone and purpose when writing their article for the commemorative newspaper on the Holocaust.  They will be able to incorporate the novel and/or the movie into their article, demonstrating their knowledge and analysis of the author's theme.  Students will work in groups to create the front page of a newspaper. 

Public Speaking: Students will continue their research in preparation for the Panel Discussion.  They will need to read, interpret, and analyze at least 5 sources for the Informational Discussion.  Each pair/group will be responsible for moderating the discussion on their assigned topic.  Visual aids, articles, notes, and an outline are necessary for the discussion.  The purpose of  the discussion is to formulate ideas for the individual speech, to utilize good listening techniques and to collaborate with others.  From the discussion, students will be responsible for creating the Informational Speech.