Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Week of November 29th, 2016

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively. 

English 12: How do our attitudes toward the past and future shape our actions?

Students will finalize completion of any project/written response owed. They will begin Unit 3 by reading and responding to informational literature on the Renaissance and the Reformation.  Students will be required to respond to the text in their textbooks about the history, culture, and people from late 14th-16th centuries.  They will need to highlight/annotate the text. Students will pick an area of interest from this time period to create an Informative PowePoint presentation. They will be given the requirements and a rubric to complete the project.

Literature Keystone Remediation:   Why is self-assessment important? 

Students will continue to utilize Study Island.  They will need to complete tests in the areas of Vocabulary, Literary Terms and Devices, Fiction, Nonfiction, and Tone. Students are continuing to strengthen skills and become proficient with the format of the standardized test.  Confidence and consistency have strongly influenced their  test taking skills.  The ultimate benchmark is for the students to reach an initial goal of Proficient on Study Island Assessments (Nov. 14 - Dec. 6) and the Literature Keystones (Dec. 7th and 8th).

Public Speaking:  How does word choice affect communication?

Students will proofread and edit their speeches and visual aids in preparation for speech presentations.  Informative speeches should be interesting and understandable.  Clarity, validity, and expression are necessary requirements for good speech delivery.  Students must practice their speeches.  Speeches will commence on Dec. 1st and 2nd.  

Monday, November 21, 2016

Week of November 21st, 2016

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively. 

Be thankful for all of the people who have touched your lives because they have taught you to love. Be thankful for all of your experiences because they have challenged you to become the best of who you are. Be thankful for the time you have had and make the most of the time you have.

Just be thankful.

Thank you for the time you have given me and all the memories we have created.  Thank you for continually challenging me to get the best out of you.  Thank you for all that you have given me.

Happy Thanksgiving!

English 12:  How do people come to have different view of society? Am I a part of the problem or a part of the solution?

Students will complete a culminating reflection response to Unit 2 of the textbook.  They will be asked to write an "I" response to a question pertaining to their perspective of America and whether or not they will become a part of the need for change.  Students will recognize the importance of criticism, but how constructive criticism promotes change.  Identifying problems in society are what makes this country good, but doing something about it is what makes this country great.  The written response will be an exit ticket to Tuesday's class or an entrance ticket for Wednesday's class.

Public Speaking:  Why is organization a necessary requirement for good speech writing?

Students will be required to create an Annotated Bibliography for their sources.  Identifying the validity of a source is necessary when one wants to be a respected speaker.  Being a thorough researcher helps the speech writer organize a valid, cohesive speech that the audience will be able to follow.  Knowledge of the sources and how they will be used is necessary for a successful Informative speech.  

Keystone Literature Remediation:  Why is self-assessment important?

Students are working in the Opened.com app/site. Students will need to retake an assessment on the Opened.com site if they received a score less than 85%. They will need to complete one assessment a day.  They have begun Study Island assessments.  Students are continuing to strengthen skills and become proficient with the format of the standardized test.  Confidence and consistency have strongly influenced their  test taking skills.  The ultimate benchmark is for the students to reach an initial goal of Proficient on Study Island Assessments (Nov. 14 - Dec. 6) and the Literature Keystones (Dec. 7th and 8th).

Monday, November 14, 2016

Week of November 14th, 2016

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively. 

English 12:  How do people come to have different view of society?  More specifically:  How has 
                     my view of society been formed?  How do I view society?

Due by November 16th:  They needed more time!  Students will need to finalize their creation of the satirical cartoon for up to 4 characters found in Chaucer's "Prologue".  They will follow the requirements and a rubric for satirical/political cartoons.  Students will then need to answer an I response to the question:  How has my view of society been formed?  

Due by November 22nd:  Students will create a modern day stereotype poem.  They will be required to introduce a new pilgrim to the prologue who represents some aspect of contemporary society. Students will be required to identify, analyze, and explain their pilgrim, apply four poetical devices, and 3 poetical elements.  They will need to include a paragraph explaining the tone and the effect the use of the devices had on their poem.

Self-reflection and honesty are necessary requirements for critical thinkers.  Who they are and how they think will form the rest of their lives.  We want them to lead productive lives, filled with experiences, and productive discussions, filled with solutions.

Public Speaking:
 How does organization help to develop fluency and meaning?

Students are researching their topic for the informative speech.  The 4 sources and an outline are due no later than Wednesday, Nov. 16th.  They are required to have a purpose statement and a thesis statement at the top of their outline.  They will need to follow the outline format given to them at the beginning of the year. Chapters 10 & 12 are due by Friday, Nov. 18th.  The Annotated Bibliography is due on 11/21.  They have been given instructions and a rubric.

Keystone Literature Remediation:  Why is self-assessment important?

Students are working in the Opened.com app/site. Students will need to retake an assessment on the Opened.com site if they received a score less than 85%. They will need to complete one assessment a day.  They have begun Study Island assessments.  Students are continuing to strengthen skills and become proficient with the format of the standardized test.  Confidence and consistency have strongly influenced their  test taking skills.  The ultimate benchmark is for the students to reach an initial goal of Proficient on Study Island Assessments (Nov. 14 - Dec. 6) and the Literature Keystones (Dec. 7th and 8th).

Monday, November 7, 2016

Week of November 7th-11th, 2016

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." - William Butler Yeats

The goal of this English class is to produce critical thinkers. Students are not only reading for comprehension but for meaning and relevancy of the work as a whole. Literature is also an example of good writing. The writing improves when a student reads. Vocabulary also improves because the student is learning to read in context. We want successful students who can think critically and communicate effectively. 

English 12:  How do people come to have different view of society?  More specifically:  How has 
                     my view of society been formed?  

Students will finalize their creation of the satirical cartoon for up to 4 characters found in Chaucer's "Prologue".  They will follow the requirements and a rubric for satirical/political cartoons.  Students will then need to answer an I response to the question:  How has my view of society been formed?

Self-reflection and honesty are necessary requirements for critical thinkers.  Who they are and how they think will form the rest of their lives.  We want them to lead productive lives, filled with experiences, and productive discussions, filled with solutions.

Public Speaking:  Why is there an advantage to using visual aids in a speech?

Students will be responsible for reading and responding to Chapter 9.  They will learn how to use visual aids effectively.  Students will employ research skills to identify and validate 4 sources to be used in their Informative Speeches.  They will be required to print, highlight, and annotate their sources.  Students will use these sources to create an outline.  Sources and Outline to be handed in no later than Monday, Nov. 14th.

Keystone Literature Remediation:  Why is self-assessment important?

Students will work on identified/assigned individual goals.  They are  working in the Opened.com app/site. Students will need to retake an assessment on the Opened.com site if they received a score less than 85%. They will need to complete one assessment a day.  They have also been assigned an assessment on the site to help them strengthen an area of weakness. Students will also be assigned fiction and nonfiction passages with accompanying questions to help prepare them for the Keystones. Students are responsible for charting their progress in their files.  The ultimate benchmark is for the students to reach an initial goal of Proficient on Study Island Assessments (Nov. 14 - Dec. 6) and the Literature Keystones (Dec. 7th and 8th).